Abstract: Digital communication has become an essential part of infrastructure nowadays, a lot of applications are Internet-based and it is important that communication be made secret. Cryptographic technique is one of the principal means to protect information security. Not only has it to ensure the information confidential, but also provides digital signature, authentication, secret sub-storage, system security and other functions. Therefore, the encryption and decryption solution can ensure the confidentiality of the information, as well as the integrity of information and certainty, to prevent information from tampering, forgery and counterfeiting. As the technology for providing the data to be more secure has changing day by day by increasing the efficiency of the existing systems.In a very proportional way the number of triflers was also being increased day by day to hack the private data.Using public key encryption, it is possible for two users who do not know one another to send secret messages back and forth without having to agree upon and exchange a secret key over an untrusted network. A pair of keys is used to make this communication possible. One key, the public key, is used for encryption and is distributed freely to other users. The other key, the private key, is not shared with other users and can be used for decryption. The keys are different, and one key cannot be determined from the other. In this paper a novel algorithm based on Arithmetic Logic Operation (ALO) is proposed which gives a new logic to the existing systems. The complexity of the proposed algorithm is observed to be less compared to the traditional algorithms.
Keywords: cryptography, encryption, cipher text, ALO, security.